Are you considering renewing your SSL certificate? If you don’t renew your SSL in time, you may end up with the “sec_error_expired_certificate” Firefox error. In this article, we discuss what the “sec_error_expired_certificate” error is, how to fix it, and how to confirm if your SSL is expired so you can avoid the “sec_error_expired_certificate” error altogether.


Sec_error_expired_certificate is an error that usually occurs in Mozilla Firefox when an SSL certificate gets expired. During this error, you may experience the following issues:

  • The “sec_error_expired_certificate” message appears and crashes your current window.
  • You receive a “Not Secure” message in the browser address bar.
  • You may also receive a message that reads “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead” or “Your Connection is Not Private.”


If you frequently suffer from the sec_error_expired_certificate Mozilla Firefox message, then one of the following solutions may help you out.

Solution 1: Update your System Date & Time

Incorrect Date & Time configuration often leads to a number of connectivity issues. You can solve the sec_error_expired_certificate issue by following these steps:

  • In the Mozilla Firefox taskbar, click on Date and Time > Adjust Date/Time.
  • In the settings page, go to the option called ‘Set Time Automatically’ and toggle it on.
  • Click on ‘Add Clocks for Different Time Zones’.
  • In the next window, click on Internet Time > Change Settings.
  • Tick the ‘Synchronize with an Internet Time Server’ option, select ‘‘ and click on ‘Update Now’.
  • Select OK.

Solution 2: Configure Security Settings

You can also configure your security settings to solve the sec_error_expired_certificate Firefox issue.

  • In the Cortana search box, right click on ‘Command Prompt’.
  • Select Run as Administrator and then select Yes for the command prompt.
  • After the ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32>’ message, write down the following commands — ‘regsvr32 softpub.dll’, ‘Regsvr32 Wintrust.dll’, and ‘Regsvr32 Wintrust.dll’. Tap Enter after each command.
  • Every time you tap Enter, you’ll receive a dialog box and you’ll have to click on OK.
  • Restart your PC.

Solution 3: Delete Internet Explorer History

If you experience the sec_error_expired_certificate issue in Internet Explorer, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the Run dialog box by tapping Win+R.
  • Enter ‘inetcpl.cpl’ and tap Enter.
  • In the next section, go to General > Browsing History > Delete.
  • Select the following options — Temporary Internet Files and Website Files, History, Download History, Form Data, Cookies and Website Data, Passwords, Tracking Protection, Do Not Track, and ActiveX Filtering.
  • Select Delete.
  • Restart your internet explorer.

Solution 4: Reset Internet Explorer

If the sec_error_expired_certificate issue persists, you may have to reset internet explorer completely.

  • Open the Run dialog box by tapping Win+R.
  • Enter ‘inetcpl.cpl’ and tap Enter.
  • In the next section, go to Advanced > Reset.
  • Click on Delete Personal Settings Option > Reset.
  • Restart your computer.

How to Confirm if the SSL is Expired on Firefox?

If none of the previously mentioned methods work, you’re probably dealing with an expired SSL certificate. The following steps will show you how to check the SSL certificate’s details on Firefox to confirm if it’s actually expired:

Step 1: Click on the padlock in the address bar. If the SSL certificate is active and properly added, you’ll get a Secure Connection message. Click on the right arrow button to bring up the certificate’s details.

Step 2: You will find the certificate and organization’s information, based on whether you have a DV, OV, or EV certificate. Click on the ‘More Information’ button at the bottom.

Step 3: Go to Security for more information about the website’s identity along with the protocols, keys, and ciphers. In this section, you’ll be able to check the SSL certificate’s expiration date. The date will be mentioned next to ‘Expires On’. If you’re past the expiration date, you will encounter the sec_error_expired_certificate Mozilla Firefox error.

Buy SSL Certificates for Multiple Domains – Save 88%

If you don’t renew your website’s SSL certificate in time, you end up with the sec_error_expired_certificate Mozilla Firefox error. For quick renewal and purchase, you can find an SSL certificate at CheapSSLsecurity at massive industry-leading discounts up to 88%.

Shop Comodo SSL Certificates

What Would Happen If Your SSL Certificate Expired?

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