How to Fix ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE’ in Google Chrome Within Minutes

There’s an easy way to resolve the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in this popular browser — we’ll show you how

There’s a load of SSL/TLS-related errors on the internet, and “ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE” is a recent addition to the list. But what is “ERR_SSL INTERFERENCE?” It’s an SSL/TLS certificate-related error that is often encountered while browsing websites using browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. This error occurs when the client (web browser) and the web server cannot come on the same ground when it comes to agreeing to support mutually agreeable TLS version. In most cases, one party — either browser or server — supports TLS 1.3 and the other doesn’t support it at all.

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Your Guide for How to Fix the ‘NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in Google Chrome

Here’s how you can easily resolve the ‘NET:: ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in the Chrome browser in just 2 simple steps

If we were given a penny for every user who comes to us for an SSL error, we’d be by far the richest company in the world. But, unfortunately, we don’t and we’re not. However, that doesn’t mean that we’ll stop helping you however we can — this includes addressing the “NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED” (or “NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED”) error message that you’re seeing in Google Chrome.

In this post, we’ll give you some straightforward solutions that will help you fix the “NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED” error in Google Chrome. Whether you’re a website owner or a website visitor, we’ve got you covered.

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Your step-by-step guide to get rid of the pesky ‘NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE ALGORITHM’ warning message

If you’re seeing the “NET ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM” error, you’re either a website visitor trying to access a website or a website owner who just realized that you’re displaying this error on your website. In this post, we’ll talk about both cases and help you resolve this error that says “your connection is not private.” Most of the time, the “NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM” (or “ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM”) occurs in Google Chrome because a website has an SSL certificate with an outdated algorithm.

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How Do I Solve ‘ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR’ in WordPress?

Here’s a step-by-step guide for how to fix the WordPress ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

If you have a WordPress website and you or your visitors find yourself on the receiving end of an “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” warning message, then we understand your situation. Such SSL/TLS related errors are quite common, and the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in WordPress is probably one of the most common.

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Steps to Resolve the ‘NET ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID’ Error in Google Chrome

Here’s a step-by-step guide to fix the NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error in Chrome for site owners and visitors

If you’re facing the “NET ERROR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID” (or what’s sometimes referred to as “ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID” or “NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”) error in Google Chrome, then you’re not alone. Thousands of users around the world face this pesky SSL error, and it’s irritating to say the least. If you’re looking for a solution through this post, you’re either a website owner whose website is facing this error or you’re a user who wants to access a particular website that’s displaying this error message. In either case, this post will help to solve the SSL certificate error in Chrome.

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Email Certificate Not Secure: How to Solve the ‘Not Verified’ Error in Outlook

We have the answers you need about the causes of your Outlook certificate problems and the antidote to fix them

Life with SSL/TLS certificates on your email server is a lot like the summer in London. It’s all mild and pleasant until an occasional rain shower strikes you out of nowhere. If a Microsoft Outlook error such as

If a Microsoft Outlook error such as:

  • The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified” or
  • “email certificate not secure” or
  • “Outlook certificate not trusted” or
  • “Security certificate could not be verified”

Then we’ve got you covered with a solid umbrella.

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What an SSL Common Name Wildcard Error Is and How to Fix It

Having wildcard(*) SSL certificate in common name (CN) issues? Here’s what you can do about it

Are you having issues with your wildcard SSL certificate, or have you seen a message akin to “WILDCARD(*) SSL CERTIFICATE IN COMMON NAME (CN)?” The second half of this question is actually a fairly misleading one because it’s a hyper-specific error that is really just a variant of a more common wildcard SSL error. So, if you have a wildcard SSL certificate installed on your server and you’re running into this issue, keep reading.

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Why Is My Wildcard SSL Not Working on a Second Level Subdomain?

An In-Depth Look at Why a Wildcard SSL Certificate Causes a Domain Mismatch Error on a Second Level Subdomain

We know, you’re here because your wildcard SSL is not working on a second level subdomain for some reason. To help you understand why, we first need to tell you a bit about wildcard SSL certificates and what they do and don’t secure. The digital certificate industry is, at times, needlessly opaque about what its products actually do. The wildcard is one of the biggest offenders. It’s often marketed as securing “unlimited subdomains.” And that’s partially true — with one important caveat:

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Error Code SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER — How to Fix it in Firefox

Troubleshooting a common SSL certificate error

One of the more frustrating aspects of web browsers and the errors they generate is that they all generally use different nomenclature. While Chrome and Opera tend to operate on the same plane, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge all do their own thing. Case in point, let’s consider the error code SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER in Firefox.

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