Now you can use a single SSL certificate on multiple WordPress websites

WordPress Multisite (MU) is an excellent feature that allows you to run WordPress multiple domains with a single installation of WordPress on your server. Ever since the release of WordPress 3.0, Multisite (MU) has been a vital part of the WordPress core system. WordPress Multisite is the easiest and perhaps the only option if you have multiple sub-domains, or want to run your blogs, or have numerous subsites. The only thing to keep in mind is that all these sites and blogs must be hosted on the same hosting provider.

WordPress Multisite Network

The Multisite feature proves to be of major help when it comes to enabling SSL certificates as well. With Multisite feature by your side, you no longer have to bother yourself with the monotonous process of installing SSL for each and every subsite. A single SSL certificate is all it takes. Once you enable an SSL certificate on WordPress multisite network, all the traffic is transmitted through encryption methodology. Thereby, securing the information transferred back and forth between your server and clients.

When it comes to the word ‘multisite’, it can mean three different things. They are:

  1. Multisite as in subdirectories
  2. Multisite as in sub-domains
  3. Multisite as in multiple domains

Let’s understand each in brief.

Multisite as in subdirectories

Simply speaking, a subdirectory is like a folder within a cabinet. The cabinet here is your website itself. They are mostly used to categorize the content of your website.


  • com/blog
  • com/about-us
  • com/contact-us

If you perceive these two as multisite and want to enable SSL on them using the multi-site feature, you can’t. Why? Because, once you install SSL on the main URL, all the subdirectories automatically transfer to HTTPS. There is no need for any specific configuration.

Get an SSL Certificate for WordPress Website

This is the easiest guide that explains the process of enabling the SSL certificate on WordPress Multi-Site Network as for sub-directories, for sub-domains and for multiple domains.

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Multisite as in sub-domains

As the name implies itself, sub-domains are the subsidiary or secondary domains of a primary domain.



If your website consists of multiple sub-domains as above, a Wildcard SSL certificate is an ideal solution for you. You can secure unlimited sub-domains using WordPress Multisite Network. How? We’ll get there in a minute.

Multisite as in multiple domains

We don’t need to explain this, do we? If you have multiple domains installed on a single server, you should go with Multi-domain (SAN) SSL certificates. This will allow you to encrypt multiple domains using a single SSL certificate, thereby saving your efforts as well as your money.

Now that you know which SSL is best for you, let’s understand how you can enable an SSL certificate in WordPress Multisite Network.

Enable an SSL certificate in WordPress Multisite Network

Note: Before getting on with the steps mentioned below, back up the data on your WordPress site.

This is a fairly simple and quick process. Just a few clicks here, a few clicks there and voila! You will have secured your entire network in no time.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s begin!!!

  1. First of all, open the Network Admin Dashboard and go to Settings.
  2. Now, go to the Domain Mapping, scroll down and find Force http/https.
  3. Select Yes for Would you like to force https in admin and login pages:
  4. Select Force https option for Would you like to force http/https in front-end pages:
  5. Now scroll down and you will see Enable excluded/forced URLs.
  6. There will be four options listed under it. Using proper options, you can give permission to your users to exclude desired pages from mapping and to grant the use of your SSL certificate on their websites.
  7. Now you can go to admin dashboard > Tools > Domain Mapping and add all the domain names you want to secure using a single SSL certificate.

All done? Congratulations!

Buy Cheap Wildcard SSL Certificates

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