A Quick and Easy Guide on how to configure SSL in Magento

Magento is an open source content management system for e-commerce platforms. Released in 2008, Magento was originally developed by Varien Inc., a US based private company. eBay acquired it in 2011 and spun it off. Today, around 30% of e-commerce platforms are powered by Magento.

magento ssl security

Importance of SSL for Magento websites

A recent survey conducted by Pew Research Center shows that cyber security is 3rd on the world threat list, just behind ISIS and climate change.

Just like every other system out there, Magento too has been the target of cyber-attackers. Therefore, taking the right security measures should be on top of your priority list. This is where SSL certificates come into the picture. The SSL certificates deploy encryption technology on your website. Using encryption any data transmitted back and forth between the web server and website is scrambled into an undecipherable format when it is in the air.

Therefore, the cyber attackers cannot sensitive data even if they manage to intercept it somehow. This way ultra-sensitive information such as credit card details, passwords, banking details etc. is kept away from the reach of ill-intended people. Therefore, having proper SSL security is an absolute must for e-commerce platforms.

As you might know, there are mainly three types of SSL certificates – DV, OV, and EV. However, e-commerce platforms should use EV SSL certificates. This is because there is no room for error when it comes to e-commerce platforms. The EV SSL certificates provide the highest level of authentication, thereby giving immense security against the likes of phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Let’s not waste much time and get straight to the crux of the matter.

This is how to enable SSL in a Magento powered website

Follow the below steps:

    1. First, log into your Magento Admin Panel.
    2. Go to System> Configuration.
    3. There would be a General tab on the left-hand side. Click on Web listed under it.
    4. Click on Secure
    5. Now, you have to change the Base URL as it’s on HTTP by default. Simply replace the HTTP by HTTPS.
    6. Go to Use Secure URLs in Front end at the bottom of the window and change its value to YES. Do the same thing with Use Secure URLs in Admin.

enable ssl certificate in magento

  1. Save the settings.
  2. Just sit back and relax!!

Resources to Read


SSL Certificate for Magento websites

green pad lockHere, we have understand the process of enabling the SSL Certificate on a Magento website. To work the HTTPS encryption perfectly in Magento you must install the SSL by a trusted Certificate Authority.

Shop Cheap Wildcard SSL Certificates

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