In 2023, 95% of websites indexed by Google adopted HTTPS encryption, marking a significant milestone for cryptography’s role in cybersecurity.
Cryptography is everywhere. You use cryptography daily to secure website connections, protect emails, and safeguard customers’ online transactions. Beyond securing personal information like passwords and financial details, businesses also rely on cryptography to comply with legal standards and maintain data compliance.
Understanding cryptography helps us appreciate its role in ensuring the authenticity and integrity of our data, especially during online transactions. Let’s explore the world of cryptography by breaking down its key types, understanding its importance, and looking at real-world applications.
What Is Cryptography in Cybersecurity?
Modern cryptography is the umbrella of principles and practices for transforming digital data so it can only be accessed, read, or modified by an authorized individual. A common use of cryptography is encryption, which uses math-based algorithms to securely share sensitive data without compromising it. This often involves converting a readable data input (plaintext) into an indecipherable output (ciphertext) that can’t be read without a secret key.
Cryptography started with basic ciphers in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, then took a major leap forward with Al-Kindi’s introduction of frequency analysis in AD 800. It continued to progress as polyalphabetic ciphers emerged during the Renaissance. In the 20th century, innovations like the Enigma machine paved the way for modern digital security measures that encode readable data into formats that unauthorized users cannot decipher.
An Overview of What Cryptography Does
Although cryptography has many uses, there are a few main jobs it serves:
1. Secures Data, Transactions, and Online Communications (Encryption)
Cryptography is a foundational element of modern security systems. It safeguards personally identifiable information (PII) and other confidential data, steeling the defenses against data breaches and unauthorized disclosures. An example of this is the “connection is secure” information you see in your browser when you visit an encrypted website.
Image caption: Installing an SSL/TLS certificate on your web server enables you to use the HTTPS protocol to secure your website’s connections. This illustration shows all of the SSL/TLS certificate windows simultaneously. (These windows normally display individually.)
Encryption is a method of cryptography that’s the guardian of our digital conversations and transactions. When we send an email, shop online, or otherwise transmit sensitive information, encryption scrambles this information into a code that only the intended recipient can understand. This means even if someone intercepts our messages, all they see is gibberish.
Different types of cryptography can be used to provide end-to-end security by protecting data in transit and at rest.
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2. Ensures Data Comes From a Legitimate Source (Authenticity)
It’s not just about keeping secrets; it’s also about ensuring that the information we send and receive is genuine. This requires the use of digital identities that a trusted third party validates. An SSL/TLS certificate for a website is issued by a publicly trusted certification authority (CA),
3. Proves the Data Hasn’t Been Altered Without Your Knowledge (Data Integrity)
In addition to data security and authenticity, you also must assure users that your data, software apps, emails, or other communications haven’t been tampered with. Think of it as a seal of authenticity on our digital interactions, confirming that the message we receive is precisely what was sent and hasn’t been changed along the way.
Image caption: Side-by-side examples of unsigned (left) and digitally signed software applications (right).
4. Prevents Someone From Denying Something (Non-Repudiation)
This last function prevents individuals or entities from denying their involvement in a transaction or communication. Cryptography achieves this irrefutable data origin info through digital signatures and audit trails, ensuring accountability and trust in digital interactions.
Cryptography Consists of Two- and One-Way Functions
Cryptography ensures confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication in digital communications using two important approaches.
- Two-Way Cryptographic Function: Encryption, an example of a two-way function, keeps unauthorized users from reading it by converting it into an indecipherable form. The reverse process, decryption, allows the intended recipient to convert the ciphertext back into readable form using a specific key (known as a private key or decryption key).
- One-Way Cryptographic Function: A one-way function, known as hashing, takes an input of any size and maps it to a fixed-length indecipherable output (called a hash value or digest). Unlike encryption, however, hashing is designed to be too infeasible to try to reverse engineer using modern computers.
Breaking Down 3 Key Cryptography Types in Cybersecurity
Let’s understand different types of cryptographic functions and their unique roles and purposes in the cybersecurity landscape. While they all perform separate functions, it’s important to note that these three cryptography types are used together in certain circumstances, for example, to secure the connections of users who visit your website.
We’ll start with private key and public key cryptography before discussing a third important function.
Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric cryptography, also known as single-key encryption or private key cryptography, involves a single key for both encrypting and decrypting data. This method requires both the sender and recipient to use the same secret key in combination with a specific mathematical process to transform plaintext data into a secret code (ciphertext).
Once the recipient obtains the coded message and applies the same process, the original information is retrieved from the code.
Image caption: Symmetric encryption involves using a single key to encrypt and decrypt data.
Symmetric Encryption Secures Private Networks
Symmetric encryption is praised for its speed and efficiency compared to asymmetric cryptography. The smaller key size allows for faster process speed and efficiency, making it a cost-effective solution for encrypting large amounts of data and enabling secure communications in private networks.
However, because it requires the secure exchange of the private key, symmetric encryption on its own is not advisable for use on public networks. To overcome key distribution issues, asymmetric key exchange methods like Diffie-Hellman are employed first on public networks to securely exchange symmetric keys.
This combination of asymmetric and symmetric connections ensures that keys are safely distributed, reducing the risk of interception on insecure channels.
6 Examples of Common Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
Symmetric algorithms typically fall into one of two camps: block ciphers or stream ciphers, terms that refer to how the data is processed.
Block Ciphers
Some examples of common symmetric block ciphers include:
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): As the go-to choice for symmetric encryption, AES operates on 128-bit blocks with 128-, 192- and 256-bit key sizes.
- Blowfish: Known for its adaptability, this algorithm encrypts 64-bit blocks and supports keys of varying lengths, making it a versatile choice.
- Data Encryption Standard (DES): An earlier standard that encrypts 64-bit blocks using a 56-bit key. Once the go-to symmetric algorithm, DES is now considered less secure due to smaller keys.
- Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES): An evolution of DES, it encrypts data blocks three times, enhancing security over the original DES.
Stream Ciphers
Common examples of stream ciphers include:
- ChaCha20: This is a variant of the Salsa20 algorithm that uses a 256-bit key along with other critical input information.
- RC4: This cryptographic algorithm is generally used for wireless network communications.
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric cryptography, also known as public key cryptography, employs a pair of large keys: an openly shared public key and a private key that remains confidential. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted using the corresponding private key.
This dual-key approach enhances digital security by facilitating safe communication without the need to share secret (private) keys.
Image caption: In asymmetric encryption, a public key is used to encrypt the message, while a private key is used to decrypt it.
Asymmetric Encryption Secures Public Networks
Asymmetric encryption is known for its superior security over symmetric methods on public networks (i.e., the Internet). It effectively resolves the private key distribution challenges faced by symmetric cryptography and allows the receiver to confirm the sender’s identity.
Furthermore, in combination with cryptographic hashing (which we’ll discuss momentarily), it ensures message integrity, as any unauthorized changes can be detected.
4 Examples of Common Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithms
- Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) Algorithm: RSA is renowned for its role in digital signatures and has been used for decades as the standard for secure data transmissions and key exchanges. As a cornerstone in asymmetric cryptography, it relies on large prime number factoring.
Though still used in TLS 1.2 handshakes, RSA key exchanges are vulnerable due to entropy (i.e., randomness)-related issues in prime number generation, which is why it’s not supported in TLS 1.3. However, RSA for authentication is still supported in TLS 1.3.
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): Favored for its strong security with smaller keys, making it ideal for mobile and wireless security.
- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DH): A pioneering technique for secure key exchange over public channels, foundational in the field of cryptography.
- Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA): Primarily used for authenticating digital signatures, ensuring data integrity and authenticity.
Hash Functions
Cryptographic hash functions are cryptographic types of functions that take any size data input and transform it into a fixed-length string of characters known as hash values or message digests. For example, you could take the world’s longest novel (“A la Recherche du Temps Perdu” by Marcel Proust) and hash it, and it’ll create the same-length hash digest output that would be created if you hashed a single sentence.
This process makes reversing the transformation and recovering the original data practically impossible. Cryptographic hash functions are commonly used to ensure data integrity and store passwords securely.
Image caption: A basic example that shows how a cryptographic hash function works. In digital signatures, the hash value (i.e., hash digest) is used to verify the integrity of the input data.
Hashing Protects Data Integrity in Multiple Use Cases
Hashing is used for everything from verifying the authenticity of TLS handshakes and email digital signatures to securing account secrets.
- Protects passwords: Systems store password hashes instead of plaintext passwords in databases. This way, even if the database is compromised, the actual plaintext passwords remain secure because they aren’t stored there.
- Verifies digital signatures: Hash functions ensure the authenticity and integrity of a message or document by comparing hash values in digital signatures.
- Secures TLS handshakes: During the TLS handshake, hash functions ensure the integrity of the data exchanged between the client and server.
- Supports secure authentication: Hashing verifies the integrity of data during authentication processes, ensuring that the data has not been tampered with.
- Enables digital forensics: Hash functions allow for the efficient comparison of files and data blocks by generating and comparing their hash values.
- Provides collision resistance: Reliable hash functions ensure each unique input produces a unique output, preventing collisions and aiding in data comparison.
4 Examples of Common Hashing Algorithms
- SHA Series (Secure Hash Algorithm): This series of hash functions, including SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, is integral to various security protocols.
- MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5): Generates a 128-bit hash value, commonly used but less recommended for critical security applications due to known vulnerabilities.
- RIPEMD: Originating from Europe, this family of hash functions offers a spectrum of security and performance options.
- Whirlpool: A secure hash function producing a 512-bit hash and is based on a block cipher design. Whirlpool is noted for its resistance to differential cryptanalysis attack methods.
10 Cryptography in Cyber Security Use Cases Within Business Environments
Simply put, cryptography is essential for protecting digital communication and network systems. It plays a significant role in mitigating cyber threats, ensuring data privacy, and even aiding compliance with regulatory security requirements. Here are some notable examples of cryptography applications within a business environment:
1. Secure Web Browsing and Online Transactions
SSL/TLS encryption protects in-transit data as it’s transmitted between web browsers and servers. Cryptography secures online financial transactions, protecting user data from theft or fraud and maintaining confidentiality.
A TLS handshake is used to establish a connection between your site and the customers connecting to it. It starts with an asymmetric connection, using hashing to verify the integrity of data being transmitted before switching to a symmetrically encrypted connection.
2. Enhanced Email Security
Cryptography helps to provide end-to-end encryption and digital signature authentication in email security:
- An email server certificate protects email communications using the TLS protocol, guaranteeing that emails remain confidential and are not intercepted during transmission.
- An email signing certificate enables email digital signing (which uses hash functions) to prove email authenticity and also protects your emails while they’re sitting in your inbox via encryption.
3. Mobile Device Security
Cryptographic techniques encrypt data stored on many modern smartphones and tablets, safeguarding personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access. For example, Apple devices (i.e., iPhones, iPads, etc.) rely on Data Protection technology that uses encryption algorithms.
Device certificates also can be used to authenticate mobile devices.
4. Cloud Storage Security
Many cloud storage providers encrypt data by default (or offer it as an add-on). Services like Amazon Web Services use cryptographic algorithms to secure S3 data buckets by default, protecting against unauthorized access and maintaining data privacy in cloud environments.
5. Secure Password Storage
Applying a cryptographic hash to passwords (along with a salt or pepper) creates secure, unique password hashes that can be stored in databases in place of plaintext passwords. This approach enhances security by preventing password leaks and breaches from occurring should the password database become compromised.
6. Electronic Signatures
Digital signatures are a type of electronic signature that rely on cryptographic techniques for validation and non-repudiation, thereby confirming the signer’s identity.
7. User Authentication
Cryptographic algorithms secure data by validating user authenticity. The security of the private key is essential — holding the private key proves authenticity, as only the legitimate user should possess it. This method is critical for multi-factor authentication and defending against unauthorized access.
8. End-to-End Encryption
This technology guarantees that the communicating users can exclusively access message content, providing privacy and security in digital communications.
9. Secure Messaging
Cryptography is key in protecting user data on secure messaging platforms, preventing data interception, and maintaining communication privacy. For example, WhatsApp uses asymmetric encryption to establish a secure connection for key exchange and symmetric encryption for the session to balance security and resource use.
10. Authenticates & Protects Software Updates
Warrants the authenticity and integrity of software updates, protecting against malicious tampering for a secure software app deployment and proving it came from an authentic publisher.
As technological advancements continue, the role of cryptography will further evolve, reinforcing its position as an essential component of digital security strategies.
Cryptography Is Crucial to Compliance
Did you know that many geographic and industry-related regulations call on cryptography as part of their security requirements? For example:
- The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) Security Rule calls for the use of encryption to secure protected health information (PHI) and electronic PHI (ePHI) at rest and in transit.
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) calls for “appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure personal data.” In Article 32, encryption is one of the measures explicitly mentioned.
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) Version 4.0 also lays out requirements that rely on different types of cryptography. For example, Requirements 3 and 4 call for protecting stored and transmitted data using strong cryptography (encryption and hashing). Requirement 8 calls for authenticated access controls, which often rely on cryptographic technologies and processes.
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Final Reflections on Cryptography in Security
Cryptography is a fundamental pillar of a solid digital security strategy. It’s more than just tech jargon for businesses today; it’s all about protecting data security, integrity, authenticity, and ensuring non-repudiation. Cryptography meshes deeply with legal and compliance issues, which any forward-thinking company can’t afford to ignore.
Building a security-aware culture boils down to getting everyone on board with the idea that security is everyone’s business. Regular training is critical to understanding why cryptography matters. Employees need to know that using secure connections and encrypting emails when sending sensitive data protects against interception, theft, and unauthorized changes. Failing to do so risks noncompliance, which can lead to job loss or even civil charges (depending on the region).
Sharing knowledge and picking up best practices can really up a company’s security game. If you’re looking to improve your company’s security, contact Cheap SSL Security for the best cybersecurity products and services.
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