A comprehensive guide to installing a Wildcard SSL certificate on Apache

Generally, for a technical person, installation of Wildcard SSL certificate is an easy task; but the very same procedure can seem confusing and difficult for people who intend to install the certificate.

Step 1: Download and Extract SSL Certificate

  1. In your inbox, you will receive a .zip file via email that contains your True Business ID wildcard SSL certificate. Download that .zip file.
  2. Install Wildcard SSL on Apache Web Server, Extract this .zip file into that directory where your wish to store all your certificates on the Apache server.

Step 2: Install Intermediate CA Certificate Bundle

(1) First of all download intermediate CA certificate bundle from here

Note:  Please make proper Certificate selection.

(2) CA certificate bundle will be look something like this:


(3) Copy the Intermediate CA certificate bundle code into a notepad or other text editor and save it with a file name ‘intermediate.crt’.

(4) Now copy this file to the directory where you have stored your certificate e.g… /usr/local/ssl/crt/.

Step 3: Configure your Apache server

(1) Httpd.conf file needs to be updated in order to use the key pair.

(2) Locate httpd.conf file in the Virtual Host settings. After that verify that the set of following three directives are present within the Virtual Host section. Add them if they are missing.

SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/ssl/crt/public.crt

SSL CertificateKeyFile /usr/local/ssl/private/private.key

SSL CertificateChainFile /usr/local/ssl/crt/intermediate.crt

Note: Some versions of Apache might not accept the directive of SSLCACertificateFile. In that case, try using SSLCertificateChainFile.

Update your httpd.conf file with following directives

WildCard SSL Installation

(3) The first directive lets Apache server know how to find Certificate File, the second one tells where the private key is located and the third one gives out the location of the Intermediate certificate.

(4) If you are using different location and file name then make sure in httpd.cof file you need to add that location and certificate file name only.

(5) Some Apache servers contain both httpd.conf & SSL.conf file, so please adjust or modify httpd.conf & SSL.conf with directives mentioned above. Make sure you don’t modify both files because there will be conflict on your server and apache may stop working.

Step 4: Save and Exit

(1) Save httpd.conf file, and restart you Apache server.

(2) This can be performed by using the apachectl script: apachectl stop & apachectl startssl

(3) Now Your Wildcard SSL Certificate is successfully installed on your Apache Web Server. If you want to check your SSL certificate installation status or you want to know SSL certificate details, then you can use free SSL certificate tools from here.

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