Lion server is Apple’s next generation server software that is designed for OS X and iOS devices; Lion server enables its users with following collaboration services like file sharing, meeting scheduling, contact synchronization, web hosting, network remote access, etc.

Procedure to Install SSL Certificate on Os X Lion 10.7 Server


Step 1: Download and extract SSL certificate

After purchasing an SSL certificate from CheapSSLSecurity and completing the check-out process, you will receive your SSL certificate via email. This email contains a Zip file that includes Primary certificate, Root certificate and Intermediate certificate. Download this Zip file and extract it on OS X server directory.


Step 2: Import Your CA certificates

(1) Double click on your .crt file

(2) On being asked about keychain, please proceed by selecting  ‘System

(3) Or you can prefer the following command line from Terminal Type: sudo /usr/bin/security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k “/Library/Keychains/System.keychain” “/path/to/ca-certificate/here.crt”

Note: This is a single command, not two commands.


Step 3: Import SSL certificate

(1) In the Lion server, select your server from the panel on the left side and select ‘Setting’ tab.  Here you need to click on the ‘Edit’ button.

SSL Installation on OSx Lion Server

(2) Now click on ‘Action’ menu and select ‘Manage certificates’.You will see a new dialog box here.

(3) Press Add (+) button and select ‘Import a Certificate Identity’ from ‘Actions’ Menu.

(4) Here you need to drag your certificate and private key from the finder to the dialog box and then press the Import button.

(5) Select the imported SSL certificate from the pop menu.

SSL on OS X Lion 10.7 Server

(6) You have successfully installed the SSL certificate on OS X Lion 10.7 server with this step.

You can also check your newly installed SSL certificate on your OS X Lion server’s setting menu.

Buy Comodo Premium Wildcard SSL at $101.92 Per Year


Author Savvy Security

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