Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, which is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions to date. With its first release in October 2004, Ubuntu predictably releases updated versions every six months.

To install SSL certificate on Ubuntu server, first, you need to download the primary, intermediate and root certificate files, which you will receive via email from your Certificate Authority (CA). After downloading these certificate files, you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which can be easily done by using our CSR Tool.

Steps to install / Enable SSL certificate on Ubuntu using Apache

Step 1: Copy the Certificate Files

To get started, copy the primary (yourdomain.crt) and intermediate certificate (abcCA.crt) files into your Ubuntu server directory where you intend to store all your certificate and key files.


Step 2: Edit Apache .config File

(1) Normally, you can find Ubuntu’s Apache configuration file for your SSL site in/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/your_site_name

(2) But, if you don’t find that .config file in the ‘sites-enabled’ folder, you need to run the command sudo a2ensite your_site_name.

(3) After locating the file, open it using any text editor

Note: To access your website with both secured HTTPS and non-secured HTTP, you must need two separate files on your …/sites-enabled/ folder. One file will be for port 80 and the other for port 443.

(4) To make your site accessible only with a secure protocol, you need to configure the Virtual Host block.


Step 3: Configuration of Virtual Host block

Your ‘Virtual Host’ block will look similar to the following image:

(1) In virtual host block, you need to configure an SSL certificate file, key file and chain file.

(2) Now, adjust the following file names as per your SSL certificate and make the changes accordingly:

(i) SSLCertificateFile: Your certificate file (yourdomain.crt)

(ii) SSLCertificateKeyFile: Your key file(generated during CSR-creation)

(iii) SSLCertificateChainFile:  The intermediate certificate file (CA.crt)

Note: Try using SSLCACertificateFile instead, if the SSLCertificateFile directive doesn’t work.

Save the data once you are done editing the VirtualHostblock.

Step 4: Test your Apache .Config File and Restart

Once you save the .config file, it is necessary to test that file for any errors by running the following command:


If your .config file works well, the final step is to restart your Apache server using these commands:

apachectl stop

apachectl start

With this step, your SSL certificate is successfully installed on your Ubuntu Server and your domain is now live with HTTPS:// security.

Please click here, to check, if your certificate is installed properly or not.

(I) If the SSL is installed properly, you will able to see your certificate details.

(II) If it is not installed properly, we would recommend going back to Step 1 and retracing everything.


Important Resource

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