Blogger Logo

Google’s own, a free blogging & content management platform, has been active since 1999. In accordance to Google’s HTTPS Everywhere mission, the Google team has started encrypting all offered services one by one, (i.e., Google Drive, Gmail, Search Engine, Maps, Docs, Calendar, Forum, Wallet, Google+, etc.). All Google Services under the HTTPS Everywhere mission are now encrypted with HTTPS. This helps to protect user data, online transactions, secure communication, etc. Now Google has announced they are encrypting with HTTPS but the first question in a user’s mind would be how to secure Blogspot domain, read the complete guide to enable HTTPS in Blogspot.

Why is it important to turn into HTTPS?

  1. It helps blog authors secure the user’s activities & communications.
  2. Users will be redirected to the original website/page rather than a malicious website/page.
  3. Attackers will not be able to track blog traffic or temper/change any blog information/data.

Know How to turn on HTTPS on

  • First open com and sign in.
  • Choosing from the list of personal blogs, select one which you with to secure.
  • Now click on Settings and move the blog to the HTTPS setting.
  • Initially HTTPS availability will be set to No, so change it to Yes.
  • Your blog will now be active with the HTTPS setting.

Note: This HTTPS enabling feature is not available for customers/free domain users, only pro- domain users can use it.

After enabling HTTPS, some users may get the Mixed Content Warning in their browser caused by Java scripts, media, metadata or HTML markups. To fix the Mixed content warnings it is recommended that the following steps be performed with Google Support

Author Savvy Security

Welcome to Savvy Security, a blog focused on providing practical cybersecurity advice for website owners and small businesses. Our team brings you the latest news, best practices and tips you can use to protect your business...without a multi-million dollar budget or 24/7 security teams.
